Were You Arrested and Charged With a DWI in Conroe or Montgomery County, TX?
If so, you need to contact the office of Attorney Jo Ann Linzer immediately to schedule a free consultation. Jo Ann is an experienced DWI attorney who knows how to mount a strong defense and get you the legal representation you need to save your license.
Jo Ann Linzer is a board certified, experienced criminal defense attorney that knows how to get results. She has worked both sides of the table as prosecuting attorney and defense attorney, so she understands how the system works. She will review your case and develop a plan of action immediately.
Due to the urgent nature of DWI cases, it's imperative that you act fast so that important deadlines are not missed. There may also be other options available to you, so be sure to give us a call today.
DWI Offenses
Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense in Conroe, TX. It's important that you hire an experienced lawyer to explain all your options and guide you along the process.
When Are You Considered to Be Legally Intoxicated?
When you are 21 years or older and your blood alcohol concentration reaches 0.08%, you are legally intoxicated. For commercial drivers that number falls to 0.04%. If you are younger than 21 years of age you can be charged with a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) for any detectable amount.
Police may choose to perform a search of your vehicle if they have reasonable grounds for deciding you are intoxicated. If there are other grounds for arrest found, such as drugs, they can also charge you with additional crimes.
Technically you are breaking the law as soon as drugs or alcohol affect your ability to drive.
What Are the Penalties for Getting Convicted of DWI in Texas?
DWI convictions in Texas carry substantial fines and penalties.
- First offense includes a fine of up to $2,000, arrest with jail time up to 180 days (3 day minimum), and loss of your driver's license for up to a year.
- Second offense includes a fine up to $4,000, arrest with jail time up to 1 year (1 month minimum), and loss of driver's license for up to two years.
- Third Offense includes a $10,000 fine, arrest with jail time up to 10 years in prison (2 year minimum), and loss of drivers' license for up to two years.
There are also additional state fines of $3,000-$6,000 which are assessed upon sentencing.
DWI With a Child Passenger
If you are convicted of driving drunk with a child under the age of 15 you will be charged with child endangerment and fined up to $10,000. You could face jail time for up to two years and you will also lose your license for 180 days.
Boating While Intoxicated
You can be charged with a BWI if you are intoxicated while operating a boat or jet ski, and there is a zero tolerance policy on Lake Conroe for intoxication offenses.
Should You Hire a DWI Defense Lawyer?
It's important to consult with an experienced lawyer as soon as possible if you get charged with a DWI, DUI, BWI, or any alcohol related offense. If convicted, these offenses can have a negative impact on you for the rest of your life. Decisions on employment and insurance are often made by pulling your records. Contact Attorney Jo Ann Linzer today and we will make sure you have the proper legal representation to mount a strong defense against the charges.