Top 3 Tips If You’ve Been Arrested for DUI/DWI in Conroe, TX

Posted by Jo Ann LinzerSep 01, 20210 Comments

Clock and DWI
Silence is Golden

I have been asked to write a blog so it can go on the new web page for our firm. So, as I sit here and ponder what to write about, it occurs to me that most things I want to write about would be a day late and a dollar short for my clients accused of committing a criminal offense. I am assuming most people in Montgomery County are not out searching the internet as to what advice a DWI attorney would give to a potential defendant. But if they were, these would be my top three pointers for persons who have been detained or arrested while driving under the influence or driving while intoxicated.

1. Be Courteous and Polite With Law Enforcement

While it may not save you a ride to the local county Hilton, it certainly will make it more pleasant. Officers are people, and no matter what their training may be, if you act like a jerk, you are likely to get that exact treatment in return. Also, remember that everything these days is being recorded, and guess who gets to see the recordings? That's right, your local county or district attorney. And guess who gets the ultimate say on how your case will be disposed, short of a trial? That's right, the county or district attorney. I cannot tell you the number of times I have had a very polite client on a borderline case walk or get a great offer just because they were being nice. Remember, being nice does not cost a dime but it pays huge dividends in the end.

2. Silence is Golden

The United States Constitution guarantees you the right to remain silent, so for the love of all things, exercise that right and remember Rule #1. “No sir/ma'am, I do not wish to make a statement. Thank you but I wish to talk with an attorney before I make a statement.” That's all you have to say.

3. Seek Legal Counsel as Soon as Possible

Do not be an ostrich and put your head in the sand. This is not going to just go away, and if you are arrested for DWI in Conroe, the clock is ticking on some very important deadlines regarding your license. Showing up to an attorney's office 16 days after your arrest and finding out your license is going to be suspended is not a good thing.

If you are reading this and have already been arrested, please do not hesitate to contact or call us today. We can help.